Gerard Cordelli, Esq. Gerard Cordelli is the founder of The Coverage Law
Firm, PLLC®. Prior to that he was with the Washington, DC,
(Resident) and Los Angeles offices of the national law firm of
Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Ciresi, LLP, where his practice was
concentrated in the areas of complex commercial insurance coverage
matters and business litigation. |
Mr. Cordelli’s insurance coverage experience dates back over two decades to his position with the Los Angeles office of the national law firm Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman, and Dicker. There he represented, among others: Shand, Morahan & Co., in its capacity as MGA for various carriers in the area of professional liability coverage; and, several dozen reinsurers in litigation instituted by the California Insurance Commissioner in connection with the $2.1 billion liquidation of the Mission Insurance Group. His current practice focuses on all aspects of commercial insurance coverage matters, including counseling, monitoring, representation in Insurance Department matters, and litigation at the trial and appellate levels. Mr. Cordelli has tried cases and prosecuted appeals in California, the District of Columbia, and in the federal court system in general civil, insurance coverage, and business litigation matters. He has also litigated in Virginia and Maryland State and Federal courts and before the Virginia Supreme Court. His published insurance coverage decisions include Evanston Insurance Co. vs. International Manufacturing Co., 641 F. Supp. 733 (USDC, D. Wy. 1986); and Hitt Contracting Inc. vs. Industrial Risk Insurers, 258 Va. 40, 516 S.E.2nd 216 (Va. 1999). Publications include:Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi Web Site:California Public Policy Against Enforcing Non-Compete Agreement Trumps Employment Contract “Choice of Law” Provision, June, 1998; Society for Human Resource Management Hi-Tech Net HR TechKnow Newsletter: Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets and Non-Competes: Protecting Your Key Assets in the New Economy. Vol. 3, No. 3 (Third Quarter, 2000); American Bar Association Tort & Insurance Practice Section Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee Newsletter: Advertising Injury Coverage for Patent Infringement Claims: Is it Back After Everett? Winter, 2001; Defense Research Institute (DRI) Covered Events Newsletter: Advertising Injury Coverage Decision by Maryland’s High Court in Walk v. Hartford Casualty Ins. Co. (Vol. 1: Issue 27- July 2004); Defense Research Institute (DRI) Covered Events Newsletter: ASPLUNDH Tree Expert Company v. Pacific Employers Insurance Company (Vol. 1: Issue 38 - May 2005); Defense Research Institute (DRI) Covered Events Newsletter: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA., et al. v. David A. Bramble, Inc.; National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA., et al. v. Wadsworth Golf Construction Company of the Midwest (Vol. 1: Issue 41 - August 2005); DRI Insurance Law Committee TRIA Subcommittee Compendium: Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) and the Post-TRIA Regime (2005). He is a member of the American Bar Association - Tort and Insurance Practice Section (Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee, Excess, Surplus Lines & Reinsurance Committee, and International Insurance Committee); Intellectual Property Law Section; and, General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section. In addition, he is a member of the Defense Research Institute - Insurance Coverage Committee, and the Subcommittee on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). He is also a member of the State Bar of California, the District of Columbia Bar Association (Litigation Section), and the State Bar of Virginia. Mr. Cordelli is admitted to practice in the following jurisdictions: California (1983); USDC CD Cal. (1984); 9th Cir. (1986); District of Columbia (1992); Court of International Trade (1992); Fed. Cir. (1992); Maryland (1993); Virginia (1993); USDC ED Va. (1997); 4th Cir. (1997); 11th Cir. (1999); USDC D Md. (2000); Supreme Court of the United States (2001); USDC D D.C. (2005); USDC ND Fla. (2005) and Pennsylvania (2009). He received his B.B.A., with distinction, from George Washington University, with a major in Finance and a minor in Accounting (1979), and his J.D. from UCLA School of Law (1983). Mr. Cordelli is the inventor/developer of the Liability Insurance Coverage Referral System and Method known as the “Automatic Coverage Referral System,” patent pending No. 10/661,508. |
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office. |